Thank you to all the Participants, the Committees, the CIPA-HD Executive Committe, the CIPA EP, the Sponsors, AIM Group and to the Volunteers for making this event a great success!
Over the years, the CIPA Symposium has been an important international crossroad for a wide community of researchers, professionals, and site managers interested in documenting, understanding, and preserving cultural heritage. CIPA was jointly founded in 1968 by ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments and Sites) and ISPRS (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) to facilitate the transfer of technology from the measurement sciences into the heritage documentation and recording disciplines. Since then, the biennial symposia have enabled an ever-growing community to meet, debate, network, and get up-to-date. After the very sad and long period that forced us to stay separated, we will meet again in person during CIPA2023 in Florence, from 25-30 June 2023.
The 29th CIPA2023 Symposium "Documenting, Understanding, Preserving Cultural Heritage: Humanities and Digital technologies for Shaping the Future" intends to combine scientific, technological and humanistic skills and promote interactions with the institutions responsible for conservation and restoration, with the aim of defining documentation systems that address the entire life cycle of artefacts, archaeological sites, historic buildings and landscapes, using new digital technologies. There is a need to develop risk reduction and preventive and sustainable conservation models that support cultural participation, accessibility and enhancement of cultural diversity and expression.
Digital Heritage and Preservation
Cultural Heritage Risk Assessment
Documenting Archaeological sites
Documenting Modern Architecture
Documenting Underwater Heritage
Virtual, Augmented and Extended Reality for Cultural Heritage
Heritage Documentation Training Experiences
Technologies Changing Education
Artificial Intelligence and documentation of Cultural Heritage
Built Heritage Monitoring
New Technologies for New Museums Accessibility
Digital Technologies Countering Wars Destruction
Cultural Heritage 3D reproduction: techniques and methods
3D technology supporting Heritage Management and maintenance activity
Virtual Conservation
Digital Twins
Sharing information and 3D data
Co-creation Communities - Living Labs.
Symposium Presentation